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An Endless Summer with Only the Dead for Company...

I'm doing something a little different today. For the first time, I've written a piece from Genevieve's point of view. She is the often solitary but gorgeous middle sister of the Kazin family. Ever wonder why someone so beautiful, so full of life, is always so alone? It's not by choice... July 10, 1995 Mom is making me do this stupid journal thing every night now as part of my "training." Only heaven knows how this is supposed to help me learn anything, but I have to do it. When I asked her what I should write about, she gave me a dismissive wave of her hand and said, "Jamile Genevieve, if you can't think of anything else, write about your summer." Of all people, she should've known better. Summers with my family aren't normal. Nope. My summers are full of demons. (Yay, me!) When I'm not learning about demons or how to fight them, I spend most of my time trying not to be killed by them. Needless to say, I've never done the whole "family vacation" deal like other kids my age. Oh, no. My childhood summers are filled with stuff like camping trips into the mountains of New Mexico--not for fun but to learn how to track demons in the wilderness and on horseback. This is why I have no Sightless friends...why I don't really have any friends at all, even kids from other Guardian families like mine. Well, that and the whole Seeing-ghosts-and-lost-souls-everywhere-I-look issue. Sure, all Guardian kids like me are raised with the battling demons thing, but none of them have Sight like mine. No one else can See the dead. No one else ever has, except Joan of Arc. (And we all know what happened to her, right?) Even among my kind, I won't find anyone who can understand how lonely my life, much less my summer, has been. My own big sister has a hard time talking to me. Why would anyone else want to hang out with me, knowing my ghost-friends are always around, watching us? Much less when they figure out those same ghosts can follow them--spy on them and report back--without their ever knowing? It's unnerving enough for me. Okay, this is seriously depressing. I need to get over myself. There's still hope that I'll find someone, right? That, maybe someday, I'll find a person besides my baby sister who'll actually want to spend a summer (or more) with me? Do I really believe that's even possible? Now, make sure to visit every blog on the hop for a chance at a $50 gift card (B&N or Amazon, your choice)! All you have to do is click on the Endless Summer button at the top of my post. The winner's name will be drawn on Sunday at 7PM Eastern during a live chat here. If you want more of Genevieve and her sisters, you can find them in THE BROKEN, available now at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Born into a family of Guardians—extraordinarily gifted humans who battle demons to protect mortal souls—seventeen year old Rose Kazin is relieved that she shows no signs of being blessed with her family’s supernatural talents. When she and her father figure, an age old celestial Warrior, are horribly wounded in a demonic ambush, Rose awakens to find a younger Warrior, Ouriel, has volunteered to stand in as her protector. She rails against his presence, but Ouriel seems interested in only one thing—teaching Rose how to protect herself from the demons she was never supposed to fight.

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